There's nothing worse than not being able to button your pants at the end of the day...

Because who wants to live in stretchy pants by 5pm?

I get it because I have been there! Being bloated is the absolute WORST...especially when you feel like nothing provides you with relief!

Maybe you...

  • Feel like you have tried everything, but your stomach still feels like its full of hot air no matter what

  • Aren't excited about going on another juice cleanse that is going to give you expensive diarrhea

  • Are stick of googling what to eat for bloat relief because it makes you want to throw your computer at the wall

  • Are sick of being told "everything is normal" or "its all in your head" only to leave the doctors office with a low FODMAP handout


Once you understand WHAT is making you bloated you can develop a clear plan for HOW to address your bloat

  • You can feel empowered to put on the little black dress for date night

  • You can go to happy hour with the girls with no problem

  • You don't have to do another juice cleanse the next time you have an event coming up

You can find bloat relief!

  • Without feeling stressed about food

    Long term restrictive diets damage the gut further. Your gut is a muscle and you can train it to tolerate more of the foods you love

  • Without throwing money down the drain

    The juice cleanses, colonics, and bloat relief supplements you are relying on are not fixing the underlying problems

  • Without staying home every Friday night

    When you are able to live your life without restrictions you no longer have to fear happy hour with friends, a fun trip or a spontaneous date night

The gutTogether™ method has been trusted by over 1,000 women just like you

Alex now understands WHY she is bloated


The number one way this has helped me with symptom relief is by actually explaining WHY I am having the symptoms in the first place, instead of just treating the symptom or trying to work around it...and the root causes I determined were the main 3 things no other program or diet ever emphasized. Once I started working on those lifestyle habits, I started to feel improvement mentally first with reduced anxiety. The modules taught me things about digestive health that made sense and gave me the power to start working WITH my body.

Kimberly can eat gluten and dairy again!


This has literally been life-changing for me! I learned that gluten and dairy weren't the cause of my symptoms ... and in fact, the root cause was actually severe stress! I learned so much information about how our digestive system works and how even minor stressors affect it ... and as I began implementing even the most basic of steps (chew your food, people!), I finally started to get some relief! Today, my symptoms are practically gone, but almost more importantly, I have learned how to keep them at bay by incorporating all of the knowlege Dr. Finley taught me ... and I can happily eat gluten and dairy again!

Hannah has healed in a sustainable way


After so many years of hating my body because it seemed like it was working against me, I've finally learned root causes of my issues and worked with Heather and her team to heal in a way that will be much more sustainable than getting on a diet every time I start to have symptoms. I'm more able to let myself rest and recover and be at peace with my body.

Sarah no longer thinks about her stomach!


I feel so much better after eating and know what causes my symptoms. I’m able to enjoy going out with friends and not always think about how my stomach will react to things I eat. It has given me back the part of my brain that always thought about my stomach.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • How to get the most out of this course

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    Root Cause Intro

    • Root Cause Intro

    • Root Cause Quiz

  • 3

    Gut Health Foundations

    • Gut Health Foundations

    • Mindset and digestion

    • Meal hygiene

    • Hydration for gut health

    • What does your poop say?

  • 4


    • Sources of stress

    • How stress impacts the gut

    • Solutions for stress induced bloating/constipation/diarrhea

  • 5

    Restricted diets and gut health

    • Why fiber matters for gut health

    • What is prebiotic fiber and why is it important

    • How to add fiber back in

    • Improving Food Fear

  • 6

    Low stomach acid

    • How to do the baking soda test

    • Signs of low stomach acid

    • Causes of low stomach acid

    • Solutions for low stomach acid

  • 7

    Motility + Gut-brain axis

    • The gut-brain connection + vagus nerve

    • What is Motility + How to Test For Motility

    • Solutions for slow motility

  • 8


    • What is dysbiosis (large and small intestine)

    • Causes of dysbiosis

    • Solutions for dysbiosis

  • 9

    Next steps

    • Building your Blueprint!

    • Your Gut Tracker


over $1500! But until December 8 you can enroll for as low as $497

The gutTogether™ method includes

  • Tools to identify your root causes

  • Lifestyle recommendations for bloat

  • Mindset work

  • Nutrition recommendations

  • Supplement recommendations

  • Testing recommendations

Hi, I am Dr. Heather

Registered Dietitian and Gut Health Expert

Dr. Heather Finley

Hi, I’m Dr. Heather. Adventure-loving, book-reading, constipation-overcoming dietitian, and I’m here to make everyone poop better. Digestive health is very near and dear to me. After nearly 2 decades of constipation and bloat and navigating restrictive diets that left my social life in shambles and food guilt at an all-time high, I started my Doctorate program. It was then that my entire mindset towards nutrition and gut health completely transformed. This was when I began to realize that nutrition for gut health is so much more than what you eat. It literally took me getting a Doctorate in Clinical Nutrition for it to finally make sense, but people shouldn’t have to get a degree to fix their gut issues. Making that connection between food, lifestyle and stress management was a game changer. And I realized that there are so many missing pieces the medical system doesn’t communicate to patients or practitioners. That’s why, over the last decade, I developed a proven approach to gut health that actually WORKS! – the gutTogether™ method.

The Bloat-Free Blueprint

A self-paced, 100% online course with a blueprint proven to take you from lost and discouraged about your bloat to:

  • Not feeling 6 months pregnant by the end of the day

  • Adding foods back into your diet instead of restricting more

  • Having tools to navigate food fear and mindset blocks holding you back from finding relief

  • Tools to navigate any situation that typically causes your stomach to act up

  • Ultimately turning "no" into "yes" when it comes to spontaneous dinner plans, vacations and happy hour with friends

Upon enrollment you'll have immediate access to all of the Bloat-Free Blueprint content

  • Worksheets and cheatsheets

    Guides that cover food reintroduction, constipation/diarrhea troubleshooting and navigating supplements

  • Protocols based on your root causes

    Once you have identified your root causes, you can follow a recommended protocol to address that root cause specifically

  • Video lessons

    Hours of video content helping you to understand more about the gut, your underlying root causes, and how to get rid of bloat for good!

By the end of this self-paced course you will have identified:

  • The root causes of your bloat

  • Your personalized action plan to tackle your bloat for good

  • What you need to do from a nutrition, lifestyle and supplement perspective (and more importantly, what you don't need to do!)

  • How to maintain your bloat relief long term so you can live your life freely!

Bloat Free Babes

You can be bloat free too!

Samantha expanded her diet instead of restricting it!


This helped me expand my diet rather than restrict it, and taught long-term management strategies. This program helps patients take a deep-dive into the root cause of their issues. There are always new ways to help manage symptoms not just for immediate relief but for the long-term. I now know the root cause of a lot of my symptoms and am watching them gradually become more predictable, manageable, and some even disappearing. I am so grateful to have Dr. Finley in my life!!!

Shivani is in shock!


Everything is going super well and I feel SO much better compared to where I was before. Sometimes I go into shock thinking about all the symptoms I was having before LOL I cant say thank you enough!! I slowly am feeling better and better everyday so I am super happy :)

Lindsay feels empowered to know her root causes!


The best part is I finally feel empowered to know my roots causes and have an action plan to work towards healing my GI issues. I have certainly had a decrease in the severity of my symptoms and that's not to say I still don't experience them. The huge difference is I can understand WHY I'm experiencing them and I finally feel empowered knowing the steps I need to take to ultimately heal.

The Bloat-Free Blueprint is for you if:

  • You are sick of changing your pants by the end of the day

  • You feel like you have tried everything and feel stuck

  • You feel 6 months pregnant by the end of the day with bloat

  • You want to be able to eat more than the 5 "safe" foods on your list

  • Your bank account is sick of wasting money on detox pills, supplements and juice cleanses that don't work

  • You are sick of being told your symptoms are "normal" or "all in your head"

  • You are ready to put on that little black dress and feel great again!

Are you ready?

It's time for you to beat the bloat!


  • When does the course start and finish?

    This course starts immediately when you enroll and you have lifetime access to the content!

  • What if I have tried everything?

    Many of our clients have felt that way before. Our gutTogether method is going to teach you how to holistically address your underlying bloat with a combination of strategies including: nutrition, lifestyle and supplement shifts so that you aren't relying on 1 solution alone

  • How long is the program? How many spots are available?

    If you were to complete a new module each week it would take you 7 weeks to complete this course. Each module will take you approximately 30-45 minutes to complete. There are a total of 150 spots available for this course.

  • Can I go at my own pace?

    Yes, no need to wait on anything to get started! You can get started immediately after you enroll.

  • Can I use my HSA or FSA (health care savings or flexible spending account) to pay for the program?

    Yes! Absolutely!

  • What is the learning format?

    Lessons include: videos, text, graphics, and downloadable, printable and easy to use worksheets!

  • What will I learn from this program?

    This program is meant to equip you with the essential tools you need to tackle your bloat head on. By understanding the underlying issues of your bloat you will be empowered long term to find relief. From dietary education, to the proper supplement routine, to exercise habits, self care strategies, mindset work and more...this program covers it all!

  • If I don't find bloat relief do I get a refund?

    Everything you learn in this program is extremely valuable to you. Because we cannot guarantee a particular results, no refunds are available.

The Bloat-Free Blueprint is only available until December 8th and to 150 people!

Don't miss out!

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Refund Policy

No refunds are available as you get immediate access to our trademarked gutTogether™ method.